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Proof of concept for data-driven solutions

How PoCs boost the success of cloud projects

Poc for Data-Driven Solutions
Managed Services

Technical trends such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Future of Connectivity are increasingly influencing the Industry 4.0 sector and other industries. By 2025, more than 75% of the data generated by companies will already be processed by cloud or edge computing. Thus, the relevance of data-driven cloud projects for companies increases and technology-supported business strategies move into the spotlight.

Proof of Concept Builds Successful Cloud Projects

With the growing relevance of technical trends and the focus on data-driven cloud projects, the range of services and products offered by cloud computing platforms such as Microsoft Azure is rising each day: Microsoft Azure currently offers more than 200 products and cloud services to meet technical and strategic challenges in the best possible way.

The vast variety of services results in a wide range of solution options and synergy effects. The challenge for companies is to find the best solution combination for their needs. It becomes more and more difficult to successfully implement large projects without intensive pre-testing as well as to create detailed cost estimates.

To meet these challenges, a so-called proof of concept can provide an excellent basis.

A Proof of Concept with Added Value

A PoC is defined as the proof of suitability of a proposed solution that is aligned to a specified scenario. With our many years of experience from a large number of projects, we focus on your PoC above all:

  • The possibility of further use of the developed results.
  • The generation of usable frameworks and no theoretical concepts.
  • Acting as a door opener for the successful implementation of large projects by minimizing risks and improving cost estimates.
  • The development of a framework for further action.

Proof of Concept - The Implementation

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The PoC is based on a smart target, and a budget framework, as well as a schedule. Success factors help evaluate the outcome. "Non-targets" reduce the scope to the key elements. This way, costs and the occurrence of risks become more calculable and the framework for the PoC can be clearly defined.

For verification of the possible applications, use cases or criteria catalogs are used. The architecture and solution approach are documented for further levels of implementation. In order to make a final assessment of the project, the result of the PoC will be considered in connection with the objectives. This provides the opportunity to reflect on initial skepticism and to initiate further, controlled steps.

The First Steps to Poc for Your Project Plans

You are facing new challenges in the cloud or plan to modernize your data management? Do you need a better overview for introducing cloud solutions, identifying use cases, extensive data migration, or implementing self-service reporting solutions? We would be happy to assist you in implementing and determining your optimal PoC.

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Written by

Patrick Sprenger
Expert for data management