Metaverse in der Medienindustrie

The Metaverse: The Future of Media Interaction

We help you create immersive experiences

Use Case
Our Services

The Metaverse is changing the way people consume and interact with content. It's a virtual, augmented universe where users can interact with each other and with digital objects in real-time. It opens up new opportunities for the media industry to create immersive experiences beyond traditional television or the Internet. Media companies must adapt their production processes to new technologies and platforms to integrate content into these virtual worlds. With our expertise, we can help our customers make the most of this potential. We offer innovative solutions and technologies to integrate content into the metaverse seamlessly.

Use Case: Immersive Experiences Around Media Brands

Your Challenge

The media industry faces the challenge of adapting to the rapidly evolving digital landscape. New technologies and platforms are challenging traditional media formats. Viewers expect personalized and interactive content beyond linear television and the traditional Internet. The metaverse allows innovative media formats here.          

The Vision

Telling stories in a completely new way and achieving a higher level of engagement and participation - that's what the metaverse aims to accomplish as a new touchpoint. Viewers should be able to immerse themselves in virtual worlds and experience immersive and interactive experiences around media brands.

Our Solution

Benefit from consulting services that show you the right way to inspire your target group in the metaverse, all the way to product solutions for 3D content creation and audience engagement.

Benefits for You as a Media Company

Reach new target groups

Innovative formats in the metaverse can engage new audiences. Consumers can delve into immersive experiences and collect digital one-offs.

New forms of audience engagement

By collecting or mutually exchanging digital assets, you can sustainably inspire viewers with formats.

Innovative formats

In the metaverse, innovative media formats find a stage and allow viewers to immerse themselves in new, immersive worlds.

Innovative Formate

Im Metaverse finden innovative Medienformate eine Bühne und lassen so Zuschauer in neue, immersive Welten eintauchen.


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Our Services for Your Success

  • No matter if you are a Metaverse newbie or a Web3 expert: Our Web3 experts will pick you up at your status quo and work with you to develop targeted recommendations for action and added value in the Metaverse.

  • Engage existing audiences with new forms of customer engagement through new touchpoints, tools, and collections of digital assets, and delight new audiences through innovative formats.

  • Enable cost-effective, automated, and data-driven production of the highest quality 3D visual content - for your shining presence in the metaverse.


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Your Contact for Media & Entertainment

Alexander Mosch
Expert for the Digital Transformation of the Media Industry