Healthcare Communication
Communicate Securely with kim+ & tim+
The players in the German healthcare system, such as physicians and employees in pharmacies or nursing services, have so far exchanged data, lab results, or findings almost exclusively via paper, fax machines, or telephone, as there were no secure digital transmission procedures linking all these professional groups. A fundamental change is taking place with the introduction of the new digital communication standards KIM (Kommunikation im Medizinwesen) and TIM (TI-Messenger) within the telematics infrastructure, a fundamental change is taking place.
kim+ (E-Mail) and tim+ (Messenger) are our intersectoral and interoperable services that offer end-to-end encryption of the respective communication channels and thus provide a secure alternative to the E-Mail and Messenger services used in personal everyday life.
Benefits for You
Secure Data Exchange
Offer your customers the secure e-mail standard in the German healthcare sector with kim+.
Secure Real-Time Communication
With the secure messenger tim+, real-time communication in the German healthcare system is becoming a reality.
Intersectoral Networking
Users will use kim+ and tim+ to exchange information with other stakeholders in the healthcare system or, in the future, with insurers.
Portfolio Expansion
Adding our medical communications services to your portfolio is easily accomplished and improves your customer retention.
TI Services from a Single Source
You receive our wide range of TI services combined with established, reliable service processes from a single source, whether for communications or even TI connectivity.
Optimal Integration Possibilities
Offer TI services to your customers via established products or processes by technically integrating kim+ and tim+ into your solutions.
Our Services for Your Success
kim+ for Secure Regular Communication
For employees in outpatient and inpatient care facilities, hospitals, medical practices, and pharmacies, we have developed kim+, a particularly powerful, easy-to-install, and easy-to-operate KIM e-mail service. To ensure that kim+ can be used smoothly in everyday practice, users obtain our KIM service via their umbrella organization, their known local service provider (DVO), or their primary system manufacturer.
More about kim+ -
tim+ for Secure Real-Time Communication
An interoperable, secure messenger service offers a direct communication option for all participants in the German healthcare system - from nursing staff and doctors to the insured. With tim+, we enable intersectoral, interoperable communication and thus fulfill all gematik requirements regarding the TI messenger. Above all, we never lose sight of one thing: the protection of patient data.
More about tim+ -
Services for Associations and Resellers
Our ordering and self-service portals facilitate users' contract management for kim+ and tim+; software download areas, a service desk, and an ITSM ticket system complete the one-stop service. With our TI consulting, we support you in integrating our products into existing systems.