Making IT Greener
Balancing ICT and the environment
IT, Energy Efficiency & More
At Arvato Systems, we strive to permanently improve our energy efficiency and that of our customers through the use of our solutions and products. We rely on green power, continuously modernize our data centers and support with modern cloud-based technologies and solutions so that information and communication technology is significantly more in harmony with our environment - already today and even more in the future. (Video in german language)
Our Data Center? Exceptionally Green!
Arvato Systems is constantly striving to optimize the energy supply processes of its own data centers and ensure energy-efficient operation.
With a power usage effectiveness of 1.39, the Arvato Systems data centers in Gütersloh were awarded the "green star" by the eco association due to their low CO2 emissions and reduced power consumption. And we rely on green electricity: For the Gütersloh data centers, Arvato Systems exclusively purchases green waterpower electricity from the local public utility company.
In addition, an absorption chiller has been in use for our data centers in Gütersloh since 2017. It is able to generate cooling from thermal energy and thus supply the servers with cooling air in a much more energy-efficient manner. The heat used for the conversion is generated in a CHP plant operated by a sister company. Heat that would otherwise be lost unused is thus used for server cooling in the summer months.
We are also continuously optimizing the infrastructure of our data centers in order to further improve energy efficiency. We have achieved this with a wide range of measures, for example by
- Modernization of equipment
- Implementation of lighting controls
- Improving cold air distribution
- Raising temperatures in the data centers
- Using UPS systems (UPS: "uninterruptible power supply") with higher efficiency.
With the evolution to a Software Defined Data Center and the accompanying increase in cloud offerings, further steps are being taken toward greener IT.

Harmonizing ICT and the environment
Arvato Systems develops solutions that enable companies to achieve greater energy efficiency through better IT resource utilization. More sustainable end device usage is possible by shifting computing power to the cloud, more sustainable end device usage is possible.
We offer active energy management, which can be used to further increase energy efficiency further by actively controlling energy producers and consumers.
Everything at a glance with our environmental management platform
In the future, companies must be able to provide accurate and consistent information on ESG data. Our cloud-based environmental data platform green.screen enables precisely this: the collection, monitoring, control, and documentation of all environmental and climate-relevant parameters of companies and thus professionalizes the environmental reporting (ESG reporting) of your company. You have a comprehensive picture of your company's energy situation and carbon footprint. This allows you to provide information at any time and improve your CO2 balance in a targeted manner. The combination of energy management and environmental reporting makes green.screen a comprehensive ecological management platform - and far superior to a conventional reporting tool.
Here, Find out more about green.screen, our comprehensive and convenient solution for the highly topical issue of ESG-
Our Energy Management? Intelligently Networked!
Live data collection and analysis are crucial to improving energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption. green.screen is the platform for strategic sustainability management developed by Arvato Systems. The energy efficiency module in green.screen from Arvato Systems enables companies to identify energy guzzlers, reduce peak loads, track consumption trends, and allocate costs. Effective energy data management is an important pillar of strategic sustainability management, as unused energy reduces the carbon footprint.
Web-Based Environmental Reporting: green.screen Brings Together All the Relevant Data
green.screen supports the implementation of climate targets in your company. As ESG reporting software, It offers you the opportunity to record, analyze, and present your data in accordance with the ESRS standards (European Sustainability Reporting Standards). In addition, the LSME (Listed SME) and VSME (Voluntary SME) standards will also be supported in the future to ensure that reporting complies with the latest requirements. With our software, companies can record their ESG data correctly and completely to create transparent and meaningful reports.