Information technology? IT also works green!
We Give Back to the Environment!
Information technology has long since become indispensable. Whether for private individuals or companies - digitization has revolutionized our lives. Thanks to ever more powerful systems, ever greater volumes of data are being transmitted at lightning speed and ever more possibilities are being created. At the same time, 21st century IT is an environmental challenge: it requires large amounts of energy and thus has a significant impact on our environment. As an IT company and multi-cloud service integrator, Arvato Systems is aware of these impacts. That is why we strive to make our energy consumption as efficient as possible and thus to keep reducing the CO2 emissions for which we are responsible. By using and continuously expanding state-of-the-art (environmental) technology - for example in our data centers - and by using cloud-based state-of-the-art technologies and solutions, we are contributing to sustainable energy and resource management of the future. In this way, we ensure for ourselves and our customers that information and communications technology is already much more in harmony with the environment today.
We do this with ambitious goals: Arvato Systems aims to become a CO₂-neutral company in the short term. To achieve this, we have identified three main areas on which we are working intensively and continuously:

It is also possible to make a contribution to climate protection when traveling on business. For this reason, the "Guide to Climate-Friendly Travel" was developed at Bertelsmann, which provides many useful suggestions for avoiding emissions. For example, many business trips could already be usefully replaced by virtual meetings. And when a business trip is important or unavoidable, we use public transportation whenever possible. Air travel should only be undertaken if there is no other alternative that makes sense in terms of time. In addition, emissions generated by business travel are offset by supporting certified climate protection projects.
Certifications & Awards
For Arvato Systems, sustainability and environmental awareness play a major role in business activities. Our certifications and awards show us that we are on the right track - and we are proud of that!
Bertelsmann Energy and Climate Policy
The Bertelsmann Executive Board has adopted a Bertelsmann Energy and Climate Policy. The document reaffirms the company's commitment to minimizing the negative effects of its business activities on the environment and climate, and describes specific measures for effective environmental and climate protection. These include purchasing renewable energies, increasing energy efficiency, and developing climate-friendly products and services.

green.screen simplifies sustainability reporting from over 500 locations worldwide and enables the group to collect data transparently and reduce emissions.
Environmental Reports
Below you will find the summarized environmental reports of the Arvato companies from 2004 - 2013 as well as the reports on the Bertelsmann carbon footprint until 2018, which replace the environmental reports. For current data as of 2019, we now refer to the extensive Bertelsmann website on the topic. There, information on corporate responsibility at Bertelsmann is provided for the entire Bertelsmann Group in accordance with the international standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Reporting on the topic of ecology (GRI 300) can be found here.