
Telematik Infrastructure Services

Your safe way to the TI

Use Case
Our Services

The telematics infrastructure is the digital network of the German healthcare system and a platform for healthcare applications in the medical and care sectors. This enables fast, secure, and uncomplicated intersectoral communication between the individual players in the healthcare system. Access to the TI is predominantly via a connector, which allows various interfaces to the digital health applications. A connector will still be needed with a TI as a Service solution, a connector will still be required, but it will be operated and maintained in Arvato Systems' secure, redundant data centers. In the future, the TI gateway specified by gematik will play a key role here. 

We take on a special task when it comes to telematics infrastructure - that of operating the central TI services. Since 2013, gematik has relied on us as a reliable, competent partner in this project.  

Use Case

Your Challenge

Physicians' and dentists' offices and physiotherapists must be connected to the TI if they treat patients with statutory health insurance. From January 2024, this will also apply to outpatient care facilities. Service providers are therefore obliged to meet the technical requirements and equip themselves with access to the TI.

The Vision

Service providers should have uncomplicated, secure access to the TI. They should gain more time for patient care and be able to rely on their local service providers (DvO) and primary system manufacturers in technical matters. An all-around carefree package will cover all the services a medical facility needs to become TI-ready.

Our Solution

We offer two solutions with the support of an extensive network of primary system manufacturers and DvOs. Firstly, My Access Service is a proven solution - medical practices and co. receive a connector which they use on-site to connect to the TI. With our TIaaS solution flexTI, we move the connectors to our secure data centers, where they are maintained and operated. This provides a low-threshold entry point for small businesses in particular. 

Benefits for You

ISO Certified DC Operation

We operate and manage the connectors in our own data centers in Germany, certified to current ISO standards, e.g., ISO 27001 and ISO 9001. 

Reliable Availability

The redundant design of connectors enables fast recoverability in case of failure. 

Comprehensive Support

Professional support for users and primary system manufacturers during the conversion or new installation of flexTI, and comprehensive support during operation. 

Regular Updates

We ensure timeliness by providing necessary updates, regular maintenance, and seamless transition to the later TI 2.0. 

Increase Economic Efficiency

With the help of the telematics infrastructure, the efficiency and effectiveness of companies can be increased.

Networking in the Healthcare Sector

Institutes in healthcare can communicate securely with each other.


gematik is the national agency for digital medicine in Germany. Among other things, it was founded by the service providers and payers of the German healthcare system for the introduction and further development of the telematics infrastructure. We have been their reliable partner for the project since 2013 and the operator of the central TI services since 2015.


Secure TI access for curenect customers
Secure TI access for KoSyMa customers
Secure TI access for zollsoft customers

Our Services for Your Success

  • With My Access Service, users receive a service from a service community of eHealth experts, secunet as a long-standing security partner of the Federal Republic, and Arvato Systems as infrastructure professionals. With the access service, we offer the physical connection of all players via the TI, which you can obtain through our extensive network of on-site service providers (DvO) and primary system manufacturers.

  • Whether you choose My Access Service or flexTI, you will receive a package from us that includes the provision of the BSI-certified connector, an IT service management system in accordance with gematik specifications, as well as support via a service center and much more. 

  • We can use the connectors in our own data centers in Germany, which are certified according to current ISO standards. For users, this means that there is no longer any need to deploy a connector on-site. In addition, downtimes can be reduced because the redundant design of the connectors enables rapid recoverability in the event of a fault. 

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