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HIS in the Cloud: Securing the Future of Hospital IT Now

Make your HIS cloud-ready

HIS in the Cloud: The Future of Hospital IT
Amazon Web Services
Digital Transformation
Healthcare & Life Science
Google Cloud Platform
Microsoft Azure

In uncertain times, many are hesitant about IT investments and cloud migrations, including in hospital information systems (HIS). But digital transformation is now more critical than ever. Why is that? Find out in the blog article.


In economically weaker times and unstable political developments, decision-makers tend to hold back on IT investments and cloud migrations. This also affects many manufacturers of hospital information systems (HIS) - very few of them are "cloud-ready". True to the motto: "It's still running...!" However, this stagnation can take bitter revenge in IT. It is now much more critical to drive forward the Digital Transformation to emerge stronger from these times.


The good news is that all the necessary cloud solutions and infrastructures for HIS manufacturers and their customers - hospitals, university clinics and hospital groups - already exist on the market. It is not too late to tackle the issue of HIS migration to the cloud. On the contrary: proactive action, especially on the part of HIS manufacturers, is crucial here. They must enter into dialog with ready-made, tried-and-tested and, above all, secure cloud solutions for their HIS systems. To do this, however, they need precisely these answers.

The Cake Is Getting Bigger

This is where it gets exciting: if you want to offer cloud solutions, you need cloud expertise. In times of skills shortages, building up this expertise yourself seems hopeless. It takes too long to find, select, and onboard suitable specialists, and it is too uncertain whether the right experts will be retained in the long term. Outside help is therefore needed, because the clock is ticking relentlessly. With SAP's withdrawal from the IS-H industry solution, the HIS sector has changed drastically. SAP's support will run out as early as 2027. In general, everyone in the HIS market is facing their most important decisions to date:

  • Who can offer me a secure, stable, and future-proof cloud solution for my HIS?
  • How can I use it to maintain and expand my market share?
  • How can I use scaling to conquer new markets at the European level?
  • Which cloud providers are perfect for my HIS solution and my customers?

New Players in the Business

The new significant players are the hyperscalers and public cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. They will not leave the market, as they offer the desired attributes - clean, fast, secure, and stable platforms! Nevertheless, the core competence of HIS manufacturers is to digitize and optimize hospital processes - not to combine cloud components, optimize cloud resource deployment, or think in terms of "cloud" and start with the certifications of cloud providers.

The Connecting Partner

Cloud experts are therefore needed in the implementation who, at best, have many years of experience with the service modules of public cloud providers, can already demonstrate this market knowledge through appropriate certification programs, and are very familiar with the German healthcare system, data protection and qualified personnel in professional cloud operations. Only with them can a sensible and future-proof solution be found that goes beyond the immediate cloud benefits for hospital customers.

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Exploiting the Cloud Benefits for HIS Customers

Immediate cloud benefits

The idea of moving all data and information systems entirely to the cloud is, therefore, an obvious one. Your HIS customers benefit directly from a wide range of advantages:

  • Highest data availability
  • Almost no downtime
  • Transparent control of IT costs
  • Cost savings through micro-adjustments
  • Simplified use of AI - also in reimbursement
  • Better prediction and hospital planning
  • Highest data security according to German standards - also on German servers
Secondary cloud benefits

In addition to the apparent benefits, hospitals, university clinics, and hospital groups benefit from other strengths of a successful cloud migration:

  • Attractive employers at the cutting-edge
  • Anonymized raw data in data lakes enable better predictions and more valid statements for society throughout Germany
  • Better communication and coordination between the players involved in the healthcare system for the benefit of patients
  • Better use of AI chatbots in telemedicine and advice services offered by hospitals
  • Automated and always up-to-date installation of security patches
  • Automated switch to the latest server technology

HIS to the Cloud: Secure with Arvato Systems

Arvato Systems is an independent multi-cloud provider familiar with all relevant public cloud service modules and solutions. In addition, we have already met all the strict criteria in terms of data protection and data quality when implementing cloud solutions in the German healthcare system. We are at your side as a partner for all questions and challenges relating to the topic of "HIS in the cloud": you take care of your core HIS business - we take care of the migration and subsequent operation or partial operation of your software solution in the public cloud as well as the clean connection to the telematics infrastructure as an enabler.


Talk to us, one of the leading German IT service providers in the healthcare sector and operator of the central TI services of gematik, before the market overtakes you. As part of the Bertelsmann Group, you are on the safe side with Arvato Systems. Like no other company, Arvato Systems is involved in the central digital developments of the federal government in all their forms: You benefit from synergies that other providers don't even have in sight. Rely on high-quality integrated cloud solutions immediately - with Arvato Systems as a vital partner!

Arvato Systems supports you with highly qualified cloud consulting and, as your partner, chooses a sensible way to ensure that your HIS solution runs stably and securely in the cloud for your customers in the future. As a professional in digitalization in the German healthcare sector, Arvato Systems is already familiar with future developments in the digital healthcare market and is taking on the challenge of noticeably improving healthcare quality and communication between the players involved with the help of secure digital solutions.


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Written by

Laurin Hardt
Expert for digitization in the German healthcare sector