
Business Transformation

Turn digitization into your competitive advantage

Our Services
What Does Business Transformation Mean?
Why Business Transformation?
What Is the Modern IT Foundation?
Our References

Arvato Systems: Your Partner for Holistic Digital Business Transformation

With our broad range of competencies, we can comprehensively accompany you on your business transformation to a digital company. However, we don't have to start from scratch but instead, pick you up exactly where you and your company are. Suppose you want to drive your business transformation in a specific business area or are looking for a sparring partner at eye level for your business transformation. In that case, we aim to provide custom-fit concepts and solutions for your company - which we also vouch for through our implementation.

By business transformation, we mean a fundamental transformation of a company. With its holistic approach, Business Transformation encompasses the organization, business processes, framework conditions, relationships with the markets and the corporate environment, employees, and culture. The goal of a business transformation is to fundamentally strengthen competitiveness, significantly improve the market position, and bring profitability to an excellent level in the long term. The rapid progress of digital technologies and their added value for companies has given the digital part of business transformations an important status. Still, it cannot be equated with business transformation.

Technology consulting

Learn more about how we bring technology expertise to help our customers with technology-specific issues.

Process consulting

Get an initial overview of our business process consulting offerings.

Leverage Your Potential for Success through a Holistic Business Transformation to the Digital Enterprise

The 2020s are a challenging time: What has ensured flourishing business for decades is increasingly being put to the test. The list of challenges is growing at the same pace as the number of crises. The inflationary spiral driven by the shortage of raw materials and the energy crisis will have a lasting impact on the substance of many industries, as will the rapidly growing shortage of skilled workers and the effects of the climate crisis. And for many, the actual extent still needs to be assessed, as price increases can be passed on to customers to a limited extent. 

The fact is: Those who have defined digitization as a strategic goal and have tackled their business transformation are clearly at an advantage today. Digital companies are not only more resilient but have already transformed future customer requirements into product innovations, which they are placing on the market at a rapid pace. The rapid transformation to a digital society both encourages and rewards digital business transformations in companies because: Being online at all times, globally networked, and permanently up to date has defined the everyday life of an extensive section of the population long before the pandemic. 

Turning the Tide: How to Use Times of Crisis for the Business Transformation of Your Company

The excellent news in uncertain times: Despite all the adverse effects, crises can also develop positive energy. Would you still be able to remember? In the global economic crisis of 2008, the appropriate business transformations set the course for more than ten years of rampant growth. And at the beginning of the pandemic, many companies caught up with two years of digitization within a few weeks and introduced digital or mobile workplaces.

It is also clear that success gives little reason for the change in good times. This is another reason why digital business transformation has only sometimes been pursued with the priority in many companies that it should have been from today's perspective. In challenging economic times, there is a proverbial readiness for change from head to toe, which is the prerequisite for successful business transformations. 

In addition, the current multi-crisis is challenging companies to bring the big picture back into focus. After all, when looking at the overall picture of a company, business transformation brings far more than just the necessary crisis management.

The Six Benefits of Business Transformation

Efficiency gains
Productivity increases
Cost savings
Improved return on investment
Increase in sustainability / reduction of CO2 footprint
Increase in safety standards 
Ralf Werner, CIO OGE

We receive the necessary impulses from Arvato Systems, as our partner at eye level and part of the internationally operating Bertelsmann Group, to positively influence our business.

Open Grid Europe GmbH

For years, startups have been conquering more than just the innovation leadership rankings. In every one of Gartner's magic quadrants, young companies are in most of the relevant boxes. What differentiates them from traditional companies?

Indeed, more than technology alone is needed to succeed. But with the help of digital technologies, companies like Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, and Co. have not only revolutionized existing markets with new business models as part of their business transformation but have also redefined the bar in areas of expertise. Moreover, they are in permanent business transformation because digital companies are securing their efforts to become best-in-class in as many areas as possible through firmly anchored, continuous improvement processes.

These Seven Areas of Expertise Require Best-In-Class Practices

Digital Business

Long-term competitiveness can only be ensured if companies expand their business models into the digital world through business transformation, already considering innovations such as metaverse or blockchain.

Customer Driven Business

Only customer centricity in practice, from product development to sales and after-sales, can ensure sustainable competitiveness. Big Data has opened up new potential and approaches for this.

Business Resilience

Today, beyond the ability to adapt quickly and adequately to change through business transformation, enterprises need balanced resilience and toughness in crucial business processes to avoid downtime and threats in advance.

Process Excellence

Agile, networked business processes increase performance and allow a 360-degree view of a company's entire value chain.


Automating time-consuming, error-prone routine tasks has several effects: Business processes become faster and more reliable and close internal and external process gaps. As a result, employee productivity increases, and cost savings can be realized.

New Work

Companies with flexible working models and a practiced New Work culture are already securing the best-skilled workers in sufficient numbers and their sustained motivation and commitment.

Environment Social Governance (ESG)

Today, every company needs a clear sustainability strategy and efficient and effective management of legal requirements. This includes compliance, risk assessment, and impact analysis on innovation and future business models.

Digital technologies are, therefore, the engine for expanding expertise. However, the engine alone cannot pick up speed; as with a car, successful digital business transformation requires the interaction of the engine, chassis, bodywork, and, of course, the drivers. In other words, combining digital and business transformation is the first thing that spurs you in the fast lane to becoming a digital company.

We at Arvato Systems are your team on the way to mastery in your discipline. We accompany you in your business transformation and provide advice and support. Together, we align the areas of expertise with your strategy, select the appropriate technologies, and implement organizational, cultural, and process changes.

What Do Companies Need for a Successful Digital Business Transformation?

The Modern IT Foundation

The Digital Competence

The 360° Analysis

With digital technologies, companies can improve their areas of expertise very quickly and, above all, very impressively as part of business transformations. It is for sure that giants such as Amazon & Co. tend to be referred to as tech companies precisely because they have the corresponding IT foundation and are constantly expanding and improving their activities in the area of business transformation.

In contrast to earlier times, companies no longer need to operate their own data center and infrastructure for this purpose. Fewer companies can afford their own IT operations and infrastructure - digital companies, in particular, have long since been operating their modern IT foundation in the cloud.

The path to the cloud is a crucial success factor for your digital business transformation because, in total, you solve several challenges at once with the cloud: 

You map your Modern IT Foundation with all its requirements in a future-proof manner,

  • significantly reduce your IT costs, 
  • relieve your IT staff of IT operating tasks,
  • save energy costs and 
  • pay off positively for your ESG balance sheet.

Why do digital companies succeed even in turbulent times and respond immediately to new developments? The answer lies in the technology and their digital competence, which they constantly expand as part of their business transformation.

Digital competence affects more than just the employees; the business processes, the organization, and, above all, the corporate culture is also significantly influenced by the digital competence of a company and must be taken into account in the process of business transformation. This is one of the reasons many technology projects fall short of planned expectations: only the interplay of team, processes, and organization will bring the new engine up to full speed.

Today, digital competence is understood as:

  • A combination of knowledge, skills, and attitudes
  • and attitudes around the use of technologies
  • for the efficient completion of tasks as well as
  • creative solution-finding and effective
  • and effective information gathering, as well as
  • secure communication and collaboration

Digital literacy is quite advanced by most people in their personal lives. The smartphone is a constant companion through all age groups, as are apps and social networks: Who today doesn't Google for information, make decisions based on reviews or cook according to Internet recipes - even including an intelligent kitchen appliance?

The challenges of the markets are diverse, and the pace of change is high. You know that you can only keep up if you know the opportunities of digitization. 

But where do you start? We help you with our 360° analysis of your IT strategy and processes.

The Gamechanger for Successful Turnarounds: Business Transformation

Only the perfect interplay of modern IT foundation and digital competence - in other words, the human-machine team - makes the difference. To cultivate this team spirit, the holistic approach to business transformation is crucial: it encompasses the vision and resulting strategic goals as well as the effects on existing processes and ways of working. Ultimately, it is primarily the people who use digital ways of working to fill the competence fields in the best possible way. This also means that digital technologies must be meaningfully integrated into everyday working life as part of a business transformation so that they can become a matter of course for your employees and become firmly anchored in the DNA of the company.

Conclusion: The success of digital technologies depends on whether they are introduced as part of a holistic business transformation.

Business transformation ideally starts before a digital strategy or business process consulting, is oriented to the overarching corporate goals, and accompanies the company in implementing the resulting technology and process projects.


ISG Provider Lens™ "Digital Business Enablement and ESG Services" - Free download

Arvato Systems was recognized as a Leader in the ISG Provider Lens™ "Digital Business Enablement and ESG Services 2022".

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Our Customers: Digital Business Transformation in Practice

The good news is: Business transformation is not only possible for startups and technology companies! You can see from our selected references that traditional companies have also mastered the business transformation into digital ones.

SAP on Azure for AirPlus
Cloud Migration for ASK Chemicals
IT and Process Consulting for Atelier Goldner Schnitt
SAP for Media for Axel Springer
Digital Workplace for B. Braun
Website Relaunch & Information Platform for DMG Mori
EAI Service Architecture and Data-Center-Migration for Lekkerland
Cloud Transformation for OGE
Amazon Web Services for VNR

Your Contact for Business Transformation

Rene Wendt-Leppich
Expert for Business Transformation Consulting